Type Equipment Rank 5★ Max level 40 Enhancer cost 2000 Enhancer EXP 20000 Vision Clear Reward Limit Break Relief Memento Group Source Summon Release dates JP: 2019-08-15 GL: 2020-05-21 External links AlchemistCodeDB Deciding to follow her for her fire and her spirit was my decision, but still... To think that I looked away for but a moment and she's already all the way up there! "This treasure is now the property of the captain of the Xiao Shenmei!" she declares, which tells me that she is, at least, unscathed. She might be my captain, but her terrible sense of direction—or perhaps more accurately, utter lack of any directional sense—continues to flummox me. Well, I can't just leave her up there; if she gets lost, we'll never find her again. I suppose I had better have her hold hands with Su Yi to ensure that she makes it safely back on board the ship. (From Liu Shen's "Treasure Acquisition Log")
Leader Skill
X Marks the Spot
Raises PATK by 40%/Non-Type ATK Power by 30%/DEX by 30%/AGI by 10%/Strong vs Sloth by 40%/Strong vs Greed by 20% for the Memento group "Pirates"
Target Buff (SelfSide) (CardLsSkill)
Type Min Max
PATK +40% +40%
Non-type ATK Power +30 +30
DEX +30% +30%
Strong vs Sloth +40 +40
Strong vs Greed +20 +20
AGI +10% +10%
Memento Group
Stats Simple stats Type Lvl 1 Lvl 30 Lvl 40 HP +30 +67 +80
Detailed stats Level HP 1 +30 2 +31 3 +32 4 +33 5 +35 6 +36 7 +37 8 +38 9 +40 10 +41
Level HP 11 +42 12 +44 13 +45 14 +46 15 +47 16 +49 17 +50 18 +51 19 +53 20 +54
Level HP 21 +55 22 +56 23 +58 24 +59 25 +60 26 +62 27 +63 28 +64 29 +65 30 +67
Level HP 31 +68 32 +69 33 +71 34 +72 35 +73 36 +74 37 +76 38 +77 39 +78 40 +80
Group skills Greed Dike's Vitality Simple stats Type Lvl 1 Lvl 30 Lvl 40 HP +130 +330 +400
Detailed stats Level HP 1 +130 2 +136 3 +143 4 +150 5 +157 6 +164 7 +171 8 +178 9 +185 10 +192
Level HP 11 +199 12 +206 13 +213 14 +220 15 +226 16 +233 17 +240 18 +247 19 +254 20 +261
Level HP 21 +268 22 +275 23 +282 24 +289 25 +296 26 +303 27 +310 28 +316 29 +323 30 +330
Level HP 31 +337 32 +344 33 +351 34 +358 35 +365 36 +372 37 +379 38 +386 39 +393 40 +400
Limit Break Type LB1 LB2 LB3 LB4 LB5 HP +48 +96 +144 +192 +240
Unit group (trigger + buff) Benika Chao Dancer Shenmei Ewan Fayrene Kubera Langhao Leafah Li Wang Liu Shen Lucia Mei Fang Na Zhu Orion Shenmei Su Yi Tsang Lei Won Yna Ku Zheng Yi
Unit group (buff) Lil' Ouroboros
Greed Dike's Vitality Simple stats Type Lvl 1 Lvl 30 Lvl 40 HP +130 +330 +400
Detailed stats Level HP 1 +130 2 +136 3 +143 4 +150 5 +157 6 +164 7 +171 8 +178 9 +185 10 +192
Level HP 11 +199 12 +206 13 +213 14 +220 15 +226 16 +233 17 +240 18 +247 19 +254 20 +261
Level HP 21 +268 22 +275 23 +282 24 +289 25 +296 26 +303 27 +310 28 +316 29 +323 30 +330
Level HP 31 +337 32 +344 33 +351 34 +358 35 +365 36 +372 37 +379 38 +386 39 +393 40 +400
Limit Break Type LB1 LB2 LB3 LB4 LB5 HP +48 +96 +144 +192 +240
Unit group (trigger + buff) Lil' Ouroboros
Unit group (buff) Benika Chao Dancer Shenmei Ewan Fayrene Kubera Langhao Leafah Li Wang Liu Shen Lucia Mei Fang Na Zhu Orion Shenmei Su Yi Tsang Lei Won Yna Ku Zheng Yi
Yo-Ho-Ho Simple stats Type Lvl 1 Lvl 30 Lvl 40 Non-type ATK Power +3 +8 +10 Hit Rate +3 +8 +10
Detailed stats Level Non-type ATK Power Hit Rate 1 +3 +3 2 +3 +3 3 +3 +3 4 +3 +3 5 +3 +3 6 +3 +3 7 +4 +4 8 +4 +4 9 +4 +4 10 +4 +4
Level Non-type ATK Power Hit Rate 11 +4 +4 12 +4 +4 13 +5 +5 14 +5 +5 15 +5 +5 16 +5 +5 17 +5 +5 18 +6 +6 19 +6 +6 20 +6 +6
Level Non-type ATK Power Hit Rate 21 +6 +6 22 +6 +6 23 +6 +6 24 +7 +7 25 +7 +7 26 +7 +7 27 +7 +7 28 +7 +7 29 +8 +8 30 +8 +8
Level Non-type ATK Power Hit Rate 31 +8 +8 32 +8 +8 33 +8 +8 34 +8 +8 35 +9 +9 36 +9 +9 37 +9 +9 38 +9 +9 39 +9 +9 40 +10 +10
Limit Break Type LB1 LB2 LB3 LB4 LB5 Non-type ATK Power +1 +2 +3 +4 +6 Hit Rate +1 +2 +3 +4 +6
Unit group (trigger) Gormalas Lil' Ouroboros Liu Shen Shenmei Su Yi
Admiral's Flag Simple stats Type Lvl 1 Lvl 30 Lvl 40 Water +3 +6 +8 Crit Rate +5 +12 +15 Magic Res +3 +6 +8
Detailed stats Level Water Crit Rate Magic Res 1 +3 +5 +3 2 +3 +5 +3 3 +3 +5 +3 4 +3 +5 +3 5 +3 +6 +3 6 +3 +6 +3 7 +3 +6 +3 8 +3 +6 +3 9 +4 +7 +4 10 +4 +7 +4
Level Water Crit Rate Magic Res 11 +4 +7 +4 12 +4 +7 +4 13 +4 +8 +4 14 +4 +8 +4 15 +4 +8 +4 16 +4 +8 +4 17 +5 +9 +5 18 +5 +9 +5 19 +5 +9 +5 20 +5 +9 +5
Level Water Crit Rate Magic Res 21 +5 +10 +5 22 +5 +10 +5 23 +5 +10 +5 24 +5 +10 +5 25 +6 +11 +6 26 +6 +11 +6 27 +6 +11 +6 28 +6 +11 +6 29 +6 +12 +6 30 +6 +12 +6
Level Water Crit Rate Magic Res 31 +6 +12 +6 32 +6 +12 +6 33 +7 +13 +7 34 +7 +13 +7 35 +7 +13 +7 36 +7 +13 +7 37 +7 +14 +7 38 +7 +14 +7 39 +7 +14 +7 40 +8 +15 +8
Limit Break Type LB1 LB2 LB3 LB4 LB5 Water +1 +2 +3 +4 +5 Crit Rate +2 +3 +5 +7 +9 Magic Res +1 +2 +3 +4 +5
Max Limit Break Unit group (trigger) Lil' Ouroboros Shenmei
Vision abilities Chart Wave Slot: Action DMG Type: Physical Element: Water Water Non-Type ATK on enemy unit (Strong vs Fire/Aquatic) & raises Power for Water units from Greed Dike [Range: 4, Height Range: 3]
Skill Effect Type Min Max Attack 90% 116%
Charges: 1 Jewel Cost: 60 Height: 3 Select Range: Diamond Range: 0-4 Slot: Action DMG Type: Physical Element: Water Water Non-Type attack on enemy unit (Strong vs Fire/Aquatic) & raises Power for Water units from Greed Dike [Range: 4, Height Range: 3]
Skill Effect Type Min Max Attack 140% 140%
Charges: 1 Jewel Cost: 60 Height: 3 Select Range: Diamond Range: 0-4 Limit Reached Bonus Slot: Support Revealed after Limit Reached. Raises AGI after appearing on map.
Slot: Action Raises AGI after appearing on map.
Unit restriction Lil' Ouroboros Shenmei