Type Equipment Rank 5★ Max level 40 Enhancer cost 2000 Enhancer EXP 20000 Vision Clear Reward Limit Break Relief Memento Group Source Summon Release dates JP: 2019-01-01 GL: 2019-07-18 External links AlchemistCodeDB A book cannot be judged by its cover. In the same way, Orion is more than he seems. Rough he may be, on the outside, but this only serves to disguise his calculating mind. A shame that more do not realize this fact, for it is to their detriment. He cannot be underestimated, for he will take all in this world as his own. "Kuza, you may come with me if you wish to see something you have never seen before." There will never be anyone quite like this man, nor any who can understand battle tactics as he does. Yet, perhaps with my knowledge, I could be the one to make his ambitions a reality. (From the Preface of "A Chronicle of a Life", by Kuza)
Leader Skill
The Conqueror
Raises HP by 40%/PATK by 30%/MATK by 30%/Strong vs Gluttony by 60% for the Memento group "Greed Dike Army"
Target Buff (SelfSide) (CardLsSkill)
Type Min Max
HP +40% +40%
PATK +30% +30%
MATK +30% +30%
Strong vs Gluttony +60 +60
Memento Group
Stats Simple stats Type Lvl 1 Lvl 30 Lvl 40 AGI +2 +5 +7
Detailed stats Level AGI 1 +2 2 +2 3 +2 4 +2 5 +2 6 +2 7 +2 8 +2 9 +3 10 +3
Level AGI 11 +3 12 +3 13 +3 14 +3 15 +3 16 +3 17 +4 18 +4 19 +4 20 +4
Level AGI 21 +4 22 +4 23 +4 24 +4 25 +5 26 +5 27 +5 28 +5 29 +5 30 +5
Level AGI 31 +5 32 +5 33 +6 34 +6 35 +6 36 +6 37 +6 38 +6 39 +6 40 +7
Group skills Greed Dike's Defense Simple stats Type Lvl 1 Lvl 30 Lvl 40 PDEF +13 +40 +50
Detailed stats Level PDEF 1 +13 2 +13 3 +14 4 +15 5 +16 6 +17 7 +18 8 +19 9 +20 10 +21
Level PDEF 11 +22 12 +23 13 +24 14 +25 15 +26 16 +27 17 +28 18 +29 19 +30 20 +31
Level PDEF 21 +31 22 +32 23 +33 24 +34 25 +35 26 +36 27 +37 28 +38 29 +39 30 +40
Level PDEF 31 +41 32 +42 33 +43 34 +44 35 +45 36 +46 37 +47 38 +48 39 +49 40 +50
Limit Break Type LB1 LB2 LB3 LB4 LB5 PDEF +6 +12 +18 +24 +30
Unit group (trigger + buff) Benika Chao Dancer Shenmei Ewan Fayrene Kubera Langhao Leafah Li Wang Liu Shen Lucia Mei Fang Na Zhu Orion Shenmei Su Yi Tsang Lei Won Yna Ku Zheng Yi
Unit group (buff) Lil' Ouroboros
Greed Dike's Defense Simple stats Type Lvl 1 Lvl 30 Lvl 40 PDEF +13 +40 +50
Detailed stats Level PDEF 1 +13 2 +13 3 +14 4 +15 5 +16 6 +17 7 +18 8 +19 9 +20 10 +21
Level PDEF 11 +22 12 +23 13 +24 14 +25 15 +26 16 +27 17 +28 18 +29 19 +30 20 +31
Level PDEF 21 +31 22 +32 23 +33 24 +34 25 +35 26 +36 27 +37 28 +38 29 +39 30 +40
Level PDEF 31 +41 32 +42 33 +43 34 +44 35 +45 36 +46 37 +47 38 +48 39 +49 40 +50
Limit Break Type LB1 LB2 LB3 LB4 LB5 PDEF +6 +12 +18 +24 +30
Unit group (trigger + buff) Lil' Ouroboros
Unit group (buff) Benika Chao Dancer Shenmei Ewan Fayrene Kubera Langhao Leafah Li Wang Liu Shen Lucia Mei Fang Na Zhu Orion Shenmei Su Yi Tsang Lei Won Yna Ku Zheng Yi
Alliance Without a Future Simple stats Type Lvl 1 Lvl 30 Lvl 40 Jewels Obtained +4 +12 +15 Hit Rate +4 +12 +15 HP +125 +403 +500
Detailed stats Level Jewels Obtained Hit Rate HP 1 +4 +4 +125 2 +4 +4 +134 3 +4 +4 +144 4 +4 +4 +153 5 +5 +5 +163 6 +5 +5 +173 7 +5 +5 +182 8 +5 +5 +192 9 +6 +6 +201 10 +6 +6 +211
Level Jewels Obtained Hit Rate HP 11 +6 +6 +221 12 +7 +7 +230 13 +7 +7 +240 14 +7 +7 +250 15 +7 +7 +259 16 +8 +8 +269 17 +8 +8 +278 18 +8 +8 +288 19 +9 +9 +298 20 +9 +9 +307
Level Jewels Obtained Hit Rate HP 21 +9 +9 +317 22 +9 +9 +326 23 +10 +10 +336 24 +10 +10 +346 25 +10 +10 +355 26 +11 +11 +365 27 +11 +11 +375 28 +11 +11 +384 29 +11 +11 +394 30 +12 +12 +403
Level Jewels Obtained Hit Rate HP 31 +12 +12 +413 32 +12 +12 +423 33 +13 +13 +432 34 +13 +13 +442 35 +13 +13 +451 36 +13 +13 +461 37 +14 +14 +471 38 +14 +14 +480 39 +14 +14 +490 40 +15 +15 +500
Limit Break Type LB1 LB2 LB3 LB4 LB5 Jewels Obtained +2 +3 +5 +7 +9 Hit Rate +2 +3 +5 +7 +9 HP +75 +131 +187 +243 +300
Max Limit Break Unit group (trigger) Lil' Ouroboros Orion
Wings of Supremacy Simple stats Type Lvl 1 Lvl 30 Lvl 40 Area ATK +3 +6 +8 Hit Rate +5 +12 +15
Detailed stats Level Area ATK Hit Rate 1 +3 +5 2 +3 +5 3 +3 +5 4 +3 +5 5 +3 +6 6 +3 +6 7 +3 +6 8 +3 +6 9 +4 +7 10 +4 +7
Level Area ATK Hit Rate 11 +4 +7 12 +4 +7 13 +4 +8 14 +4 +8 15 +4 +8 16 +4 +8 17 +5 +9 18 +5 +9 19 +5 +9 20 +5 +9
Level Area ATK Hit Rate 21 +5 +10 22 +5 +10 23 +5 +10 24 +5 +10 25 +6 +11 26 +6 +11 27 +6 +11 28 +6 +11 29 +6 +12 30 +6 +12
Level Area ATK Hit Rate 31 +6 +12 32 +6 +12 33 +7 +13 34 +7 +13 35 +7 +13 36 +7 +13 37 +7 +14 38 +7 +14 39 +7 +14 40 +8 +15
Limit Break Type LB1 LB2 LB3 LB4 LB5 Area ATK +1 +2 +3 +4 +5 Hit Rate +2 +3 +5 +7 +9
Max Limit Break Type LB5 Strong vs Light +20
Unit group (trigger) Lil' Ouroboros Orion
All in My Grasp Simple stats Type Lvl 1 Lvl 30 Lvl 40 PATK +15 +48 +59 MATK +15 +48 +59 Hit Rate +3 +8 +10
Detailed stats Level PATK MATK Hit Rate 1 +15 +15 +3 2 +16 +16 +3 3 +17 +17 +3 4 +18 +18 +3 5 +19 +19 +3 6 +20 +20 +3 7 +21 +21 +4 8 +23 +23 +4 9 +24 +24 +4 10 +25 +25 +4
Level PATK MATK Hit Rate 11 +26 +26 +4 12 +27 +27 +4 13 +28 +28 +5 14 +30 +30 +5 15 +31 +31 +5 16 +32 +32 +5 17 +33 +33 +5 18 +34 +34 +6 19 +35 +35 +6 20 +36 +36 +6
Level PATK MATK Hit Rate 21 +38 +38 +6 22 +39 +39 +6 23 +40 +40 +6 24 +41 +41 +7 25 +42 +42 +7 26 +43 +43 +7 27 +45 +45 +7 28 +46 +46 +7 29 +47 +47 +8 30 +48 +48 +8
Level PATK MATK Hit Rate 31 +49 +49 +8 32 +50 +50 +8 33 +51 +51 +8 34 +53 +53 +8 35 +54 +54 +9 36 +55 +55 +9 37 +56 +56 +9 38 +57 +57 +9 39 +58 +58 +9 40 +59 +59 +10
Limit Break Type LB1 LB2 LB3 LB4 LB5 PATK +7 +14 +21 +28 +36 MATK +7 +14 +21 +28 +36 Hit Rate +1 +2 +3 +4 +6
Max Limit Break Unit group (trigger) Lil' Ouroboros Orion
Vision abilities Limit Reached Bonus Slot: Support Revealed after Limit Reached. Raises AGI after appearing on map.
Slot: Action Raises AGI after appearing on map.
Unit restriction Lil' Ouroboros Orion