Featured Characters[]
Side Featured Characters[]
Side Featured Mementos[]
Soap Bubbles and Deception Storyline
Event Obtainables[]
- Free Event Job Change - Ren upgrade to Scarlet Flame Flash Sword:
- Black Star Battle Gear Diagram Piece: 20 pieces from 5x clear milestone for normal stage 1, 30 pieces from clear 5x milestone for episode 3, 30 pieces from clear 5x milestone for normal stage 4
- Black Star Boots Diagram Piece: 10 pieces from clear 5x milestone for hard stage 1, 15 pieces from clear 5x milestone for hard stage 2, 15 pieces from clear 5x milestone for hard stage 3, 20 pieces from clear 5x milestone for hard stage 4, 20 pieces from clear 5x milestone for hard stage 5
- Black Star Cloak Diagram Piece: 20 pieces from clear 1x milestone for episode 2, 30 pieces from clear 5x milestone for normal stage 3, 30 pieces from clear 5x milestone for episode 5
- Black Star Gauntlet Diagram Piece: 10 pieces from clear 3x milestone for hard stage 1, 15 pieces from clear 3x milestone for hard stage 2, 15 pieces from clear 3x milestone for hard stage 3, 20 pieces from clear 3x milestone for hard stage 4, 20 pieces from clear 3x milestone for hard stage 5
- Black Star Headpiece Diagram Piece: 20 pieces from 5x clear milestone for episode 1, 30 pieces from clear 5x milestone for normal stage 2, 30 pieces from clear 1x milestone for episode 4
- Scarlet Flame Guard Shawl Diagram Piece: 60 pieces from kill normal boss 1x-5x milestones (skip tickets do not count), 20 pieces from kill hard boss 1x milestone
- Tokens obtained from Event Summon Box 1
- Boss Challenge Ticket x 275 (more drop from quests)
- Event Coin x 150 (more obtained from boss kills)
- Gems x 850
- Pure Water Crystal x 60
- Sinful Indulgence x 2
- Wadatsumi Token x 150
- Clear all normal mode missions:
- Gems x 400
- Clear all hard mode missions:
- Gems x 650
- Ruby Eye of Enlightenment x 1
- Clear all extra mode missions:
- Gems x 650
- Event Summon with Event Coins:
- Ren Token x 6 (Box 1)
- Ren Soul Shard x 20 (Box 2)
- Natsume Soul Shard x 25 (Box 3)
- Ren Soul Shard x 30 (Box 4)
- Elemental Crystal (each element) x 15
- Gems x 2,500
- Random Crystals x 20
- Random Elemental Shards x 30
- Retribution for Sin x 4
- Sinful Indulgence x 4
- Spirit Compasses:
- Gold Spirit Compass x 90
- Silver Spirit Compass x 300
- Additional repeatable rewards from box 5 including Random Crystals x 10 and Random Elemental Shards x 10 (690 total items)
Event Quests[]
- Normal
- Soap Bubbles and Deception - Episode 1 I couldn't believe it... (10 AP)
- Soap Bubbles and Deception [Normal] 1 Normal Stage 1 (10 AP)
- Soap Bubbles and Deception - Episode 2 I wanted it to last... (14 AP)
- Soap Bubbles and Deception [Normal] 2 Normal Stage 2 (14 AP)
- Soap Bubbles and Deception - Episode 3 I was ready... (16 AP)
- Soap Bubbles and Deception [Normal] 3 Normal Stage 3 (16 AP)
- Soap Bubbles and Deception - Episode 4 It was goodbye... (18 AP)
- Soap Bubbles and Deception [Normal] 4 Normal Stage 4 (18 AP)
- Soap Bubbles and Deception - Episode 5 Like a bubble... (20 AP)
- Soap Bubbles and Deception Normal Boss (20 tickets)
- Hard
- Soap Bubbles and Deception [Hard] Hard Stage 1 (40 AP)
- Soap Bubbles and Deception [Hard] Hard Stage 2 (40 AP)
- Soap Bubbles and Deception [Hard] Hard Stage 3 (40 AP)
- Soap Bubbles and Deception [Hard] Hard Stage 4 (40 AP)
- Soap Bubbles and Deception [Hard] Hard Stage 5 (40 AP)
- Soap Bubbles and Deception Hard Boss (30 tickets)
- Extra
- Soap Bubbles and Deception [EX] Extra Stage 1 (50 AP)
- Soap Bubbles and Deception [EX] Extra Stage 2 (50 AP)
- Soap Bubbles and Deception [EX] Extra Stage 3 (50 AP)
- Soap Bubbles and Deception [EX] Extra Stage 4 (50 AP)
- Soap Bubbles and Deception [EX] Extra Stage 5 (50 AP)
- Soap Bubbles and Deception Extra Boss (50 tickets)
Event Guides[]
- Reimei Hard Boss Auto - Suzuka, Dias, Vier, Zahar with Yauras sub (YouTube)
- Reimei Hard Boss Auto - Ren, Vier, Zehn, Yauras with Lofia sub (YouTube)
- Reimei Hard Boss Auto - Yauras, Lofia, Zehn, Chihaya (YouTube)
- Reimei Hard Boss Auto - Zahar, Dias, Chihaya, Natalie (YouTube)
- Reimei Hard Boss Auto - Yauras, Eira, Shenmei, Lofia with Ankh sub (YouTube)
- Reimei Extra Boss Level 25 - Zahar, Chihaya, Lil'Ouroboros, Voda with Nesha and Zehn subs (YouTube)
- Reimei Extra Boss Level 25 - Li Wang, Suzuka, Raphtalia, Voda with Envy sub (YouTube)
- Reimei Extra Boss Level 25 - Yauras, Zehn, Tethys, Chihaya with Ange sub (YouTube)
Boss Efficiency[]
If trying to decide whether to clear bosses on normal or hard for event coins, it is more efficient to do hard if you can clear it in 2 tries or less. For reference:
Difficulty | Tries to Clear | Ticket Cost | Coin Reward | Tickets Per Coin |
Normal | 1 | 20 | 10 | 2 |
Hard | 1 | 30 | 40 | 0.75 |
Hard | 2 | 60 | 40 | 1.5 |
Hard | 3 | 90 | 40 | 2.25 |
Extra | 1 (if you fail you waste tickets) | 50 | 100 | 0.5 |
Event Milestones[]
[Limited Time] Soap Bubbles and Deception[]
Name of Milestone | PEXP | Gems | Other Rewards |
Clear Soap Bubbles and Deception - Episode 1 [1/5] | (x2) | ||
Clear Soap Bubbles and Deception - Episode 1 [3/5] | (x3), (x5) | ||
Clear Soap Bubbles and Deception - Episode 1 [5/5] | 300 | (x20) | |
Clear Soap Bubbles and Deception [Normal] Stage 1 [1/5] | (x2) | ||
Clear Soap Bubbles and Deception [Normal] Stage 1 [3/5] | (x3), (x5) | ||
Clear Soap Bubbles and Deception [Normal] Stage 1 [5/5] | 300 | (x20) | |
Clear Soap Bubbles and Deception - Episode 2 | 300 | (x10), (x20), (x5) | |
Clear Soap Bubbles and Deception [Normal] Stage 2 [1/5] | (x5) | ||
Clear Soap Bubbles and Deception [Normal] Stage 2 [3/5] | (x5), (x5) | ||
Clear Soap Bubbles and Deception [Normal] Stage 2 [5/5] | 300 | (x30) | |
Clear Soap Bubbles and Deception - Episode 3 [1/5] | (x5) | ||
Clear Soap Bubbles and Deception - Episode 3 [3/5] | (x5), (x10) | ||
Clear Soap Bubbles and Deception - Episode 3 [5/5] | 400 | (x30), (x10) | |
Clear Soap Bubbles and Deception [Normal] Stage 3 [1/5] | (x5) | ||
Clear Soap Bubbles and Deception [Normal] Stage 3 [3/5] | (x5), (x10) | ||
Clear Soap Bubbles and Deception [Normal] Stage 3 [5/5] | 400 | (x30) | |
Clear Soap Bubbles and Deception - Episode 4 | 400 | (x15), (x30), (x10) | |
Clear Soap Bubbles and Deception [Normal] Stage 4 [1/5] | (x5) | ||
Clear Soap Bubbles and Deception [Normal] Stage 4 [3/5] | (x5), (x20) | ||
Clear Soap Bubbles and Deception [Normal] Stage 4 [5/5] | 400 | (x5), (x30) | |
Clear Soap Bubbles and Deception - Episode 5 [1/5] | (x5) | ||
Clear Soap Bubbles and Deception - Episode 5 [3/5] | (x5), (x20) | ||
Clear Soap Bubbles and Deception - Episode 5 [5/5] | 500 | (x10), (x30) | |
Clear Soap Bubbles and Deception [Hard] Stage 1 [1/5] | (x10), (x10), (x10) | ||
Clear Soap Bubbles and Deception [Hard] Stage 1 [3/5] | (x10), (x10) | ||
Clear Soap Bubbles and Deception [Hard] Stage 1 [5/5] | 1000 | (x15), (x10) | |
Clear Soap Bubbles and Deception [Hard] Stage 2 [1/5] | (x10), (x10), (x10) | ||
Clear Soap Bubbles and Deception [Hard] Stage 2 [3/5] | (x10), (x15) | ||
Clear Soap Bubbles and Deception [Hard] Stage 2 [5/5] | 1000 | (x15), (x15) | |
Clear Soap Bubbles and Deception [Hard] Stage 3 [1/5] | (x10), (x15), (x15) | ||
Clear Soap Bubbles and Deception [Hard] Stage 3 [3/5] | (x10), (x15) | ||
Clear Soap Bubbles and Deception [Hard] Stage 3 [5/5] | 1000 | (x15), (x15) | |
Clear Soap Bubbles and Deception [Hard] Stage 4 [1/5] | (x10), (x15), (x15) | ||
Clear Soap Bubbles and Deception [Hard] Stage 4 [3/5] | (x10), (x20) | ||
Clear Soap Bubbles and Deception [Hard] Stage 4 [5/5] | 1000 | (x15), (x20) | |
Clear Soap Bubbles and Deception [Hard] Stage 5 [1/5] | (x10), (x20), (x20) | ||
Clear Soap Bubbles and Deception [Hard] Stage 5 [3/5] | (x10), (x20) | ||
Clear Soap Bubbles and Deception [Hard] Stage 5 [5/5] | 1000 | (x15), (x20) | |
Clear Soap Bubbles and Deception [EX] Stage 1 [1/3] | (x5) | ||
Clear Soap Bubbles and Deception [EX] Stage 1 [2/3] | (x5) | ||
Clear Soap Bubbles and Deception [EX] Stage 1 [3/3] | 1000 | (x10), (x5) | |
Clear Soap Bubbles and Deception [EX] Stage 2 [1/3] | (x5) | ||
Clear Soap Bubbles and Deception [EX] Stage 2 [2/3] | (x5) | ||
Clear Soap Bubbles and Deception [EX] Stage 2 [3/3] | 1000 | (x15), (x10) | |
Clear Soap Bubbles and Deception [EX] Stage 3 [1/3] | (x5) | ||
Clear Soap Bubbles and Deception [EX] Stage 3 [2/3] | (x10) | ||
Clear Soap Bubbles and Deception [EX] Stage 3 [3/3] | 1000 | (x15), (x10) | |
Clear Soap Bubbles and Deception [EX] Stage 4 [1/3] | (x5) | ||
Clear Soap Bubbles and Deception [EX] Stage 4 [2/3] | (x10) | ||
Clear Soap Bubbles and Deception [EX] Stage 4 [3/3] | 1000 | (x20), (x15) | |
Clear Soap Bubbles and Deception [EX] Stage 5 [1/3] | (x5) | ||
Clear Soap Bubbles and Deception [EX] Stage 5 [2/3] | (x10) | ||
Clear Soap Bubbles and Deception [EX] Stage 5 [3/3] | 1000 | (x25), (x20) | |
Defeat Normal Boss Reimei in Soap Bubbles and Deception [1/5] | (x10), (x10) | ||
Defeat Normal Boss Reimei in Soap Bubbles and Deception [2/5] | (x10), (x10) | ||
Defeat Normal Boss Reimei in Soap Bubbles and Deception [3/5] | (x10), (x10) | ||
Defeat Normal Boss Reimei in Soap Bubbles and Deception [4/5] | (x10), (x15) | ||
Defeat Normal Boss Reimei in Soap Bubbles and Deception [5/5] | (x10), (x15) | ||
Defeat Hard Boss Reimei in Soap Bubbles and Deception [1/5] | (x20), (x20) | ||
Defeat Hard Boss Reimei in Soap Bubbles and Deception [2/5] | (x20) | ||
Defeat Hard Boss Reimei in Soap Bubbles and Deception [3/5] | (x20) | ||
Defeat Hard Boss Reimei in Soap Bubbles and Deception [4/5] | (x20), (x1) | ||
Defeat Hard Boss Reimei in Soap Bubbles and Deception [5/5] | (x20), (x1) |
Quest Mission Rewards[]
I couldn't believe it...[]
No deaths: | x 10 |
Max 3 items used: | x 10 |
Clear without continues: | x 10 |
Clear without mercenary: | x 10 |
Normal Stage 1[]
No deaths: | x 10 |
Max 3 items used: | x 10 |
Clear without continues: | x 10 |
I wanted it to last...[]
No deaths: | x 10 |
Clear without continues: | x 10 |
Use Worker Crow: | x 10 |
Use Ripple Claw: | x 10 |
Normal Stage 2[]
No deaths: | x 10 |
Clear without continues: | x 10 |
Clear without mercenary: | x 10 |
I was ready...[]
No deaths: | x 10 |
Max 3 items used: | x 10 |
Clear without continues: | x 10 |
Clear without any NPC deaths: | x 10 |
Min total dmg dealt 500: | x 10 |
Normal Stage 3[]
No deaths: | x 10 |
Clear without continues: | x 10 |
Clear without mercenary: | x 10 |
It was goodbye...[]
No deaths: | x 10 |
Max 3 items used: | x 10 |
Damage done in 1 attack on 1 enemy is cleared with 600 or more: | x 10 |
Use Heaven's Race: | x 10 |
Use Atypus Karschi: | x 10 |
Normal Stage 4[]
No deaths: | x 10 |
Don't use items: | x 10 |
Clear without mercenary: | x 10 |
Like a bubble...[]
No deaths: | x 10 |
Max 3 items used: | x 10 |
Clear without continues: | x 10 |
Clear without any NPC deaths: | x 10 |
Kill 2+ foes in one blow: | x 10 |
Hard Stage 1[]
No deaths: | x 10 |
Clear without continues: | x 10 |
Clear without mercenary: | x 10 |
Clear with 4 or fewer main members (excluding mercenaries): | x 10 |
Kill 2+ foes in one blow: | x 10 |
Hard Stage 2[]
No deaths: | x 10 |
Clear without continues: | x 10 |
Clear without mercenary: | x 10 |
Damage done in 1 attack on 1 enemy is cleared with 4000 or more: | x 10 |
Clear with 4 or fewer main members (excluding mercenaries): | x 10 |
Hard Stage 3[]
No deaths: | x 10 |
Clear without continues: | x 10 |
Clear without mercenary: | x 10 |
Min total dmg dealt 6000: | x 10 |
Clear with max 4 units: | x 10 |
Hard Stage 4[]
No deaths: | x 10 |
Clear without continues: | x 10 |
Clear without mercenary: | x 10 |
Clear with 4 or fewer main members (excluding mercenaries): | x 10 |
Kill 3+ foes in one blow: | x 10 |
Hard Stage 5[]
No deaths: | x 10 |
Clear without continues: | x 10 |
Clear without mercenary: | x 10 |
Don't use items: | x 10 |
Clear with max 4 units: | x 10 |
Extra Stage 1[]
No deaths: | x 10 |
Clear without continues: | x 10 |
Clear without mercenary: | x 10 |
Clear with 4 or fewer main members (excluding mercenaries): | x 10 |
Kill 2+ foes in one blow: | x 10 |
Extra Stage 2[]
No deaths: | x 10 |
Clear without continues: | x 10 |
Clear without mercenary: | x 10 |
Damage done in 1 attack on 1 enemy is cleared with 8000 or more: | x 10 |
Clear with 4 or fewer main members (excluding mercenaries): | x 10 |
Extra Stage 3[]
No deaths: | x 10 |
Clear without continues: | x 10 |
Clear without mercenary: | x 10 |
Min total dmg dealt 10000: | x 10 |
Clear with max 4 units: | x 10 |
Extra Stage 4[]
No deaths: | x 10 |
Clear without continues: | x 10 |
Clear without mercenary: | x 10 |
Clear with 4 or fewer main members (excluding mercenaries): | x 10 |
Kill 3+ foes in one blow: | x 10 |
Extra Stage 5[]
No deaths: | x 10 |
Clear without continues: | x 10 |
Clear without mercenary: | x 10 |
Don't use items: | x 10 |
Clear with max 4 units: | x 10 |
Normal Boss[]
Destroy the boss in one battle: | x 3 |
Clear using auto battle only: | x 3 |
Complete all quest mission conditions in a single try: | x 3 |
Hard Boss[]
Destroy the boss in one battle: | x 3 |
Clear using auto battle only: | x 3 |
Complete all quest mission conditions in a single try: | x 3 |
EX Boss Rewards[]
Lap | Rewards |
1 | x 100, x 10 |
2 | x 100, x 10, x 50 |
3 | x 100, x 10 |
4 | x 100, x 10, x 50 |
5 | x 100, x 1, x 200 |
6 | x 100, x 10 |
7 | x 100, x 10, x 100 |
8 | x 100, x 10 |
9 | x 100, x 10, x 100 |
10 | x 100, x 2 |
11 | x 100, x 10, x 100 |
12 | x 100, x 25, x 100 |
13 | x 100, x 10, x 100 |
14 | x 100, x 10, x 100 |
15 | x 100, x 10, x 100 |
16 | x 100, x 25, x 100 |
17 | x 100, x 10, x 100 |
18 | x 100, x 10, x 100 |
19 | x 100, x 10, x 100 |
20 | x 100, x 2 |
21 | x 100, x 10 |
22 | x 100, x 10 |
23 | x 100, x 10 |
24 | x 100, x 15 |
25 | x 100, x 2 |
26 | x 100, x 100 |
Event History[]
- Released September 2, 2021
- Rerun September 8, 2022
- Rerun December 15, 2022
- Rerun January 12, 2023