Type Equipment Rank 5★ Max level 40 Enhancer cost 2000 Enhancer EXP 20000 Vision Clear Reward Limit Break Relief Memento Group Source Limited Summon (Summer) Release dates JP: 2019-08-01 GL: 2020-06-18 External links AlchemistCodeDB She is, without a doubt, incredible. However, I must say that there's really nothing splendid about investigating ruins when you're in a place like this—but I'd never actually tell her that, of course. Her voice interrupts my thoughts, "Yauras, you're not worrying yourself over needless things, are you? You really shouldn't. It isn't like you at all." Even with her sun visor, her eyes are liable to go bad...but I suppose that classifies as a needless worry, too. Come to think of it, it's even less like me to be relaxing by the sea like this, but here I am. At least I know a bit more about how to enjoy myself than she does. (Yauras' Monologue)
Leader Skill
Seaside Library
Raises HP by 40%/MATK by 40%/Area ATK by 10%/Max Jewels by 10%/Strong vs Greed by 30%/Strong vs Sloth by 30% for the Memento group "Holy Guard"
Target Buff (SelfSide) (CardLsSkill)
Type Min Max
HP +40% +40%
MATK +40% +40%
Area ATK +10 +10
Max Jewels +10% +10%
Strong vs Greed +30 +30
Strong vs Sloth +30 +30
Memento Group
Stats Simple stats Type Lvl 1 Lvl 30 Lvl 40 MATK +10 +24 +30
Detailed stats Level MATK 1 +10 2 +10 3 +11 4 +11 5 +12 6 +12 7 +13 8 +13 9 +14 10 +14
Level MATK 11 +15 12 +15 13 +16 14 +16 15 +17 16 +17 17 +18 18 +18 19 +19 20 +19
Level MATK 21 +20 22 +20 23 +21 24 +21 25 +22 26 +22 27 +23 28 +23 29 +24 30 +24
Level MATK 31 +25 32 +25 33 +26 34 +26 35 +27 36 +27 37 +28 38 +28 39 +29 40 +30
Group skills Jade Wall of the Holy Guard Simple stats Type Lvl 1 Lvl 30 Lvl 40 MDEF +15 +33 +40 Wind Res +1 +3 +5
Detailed stats Level MDEF Wind Res 1 +15 +1 2 +15 +1 3 +16 +1 4 +16 +1 5 +17 +1 6 +18 +1 7 +18 +1 8 +19 +1 9 +20 +1 10 +20 +1
Level MDEF Wind Res 11 +21 +2 12 +22 +2 13 +22 +2 14 +23 +2 15 +23 +2 16 +24 +2 17 +25 +2 18 +25 +2 19 +26 +2 20 +27 +2
Level MDEF Wind Res 21 +27 +3 22 +28 +3 23 +29 +3 24 +29 +3 25 +30 +3 26 +31 +3 27 +31 +3 28 +32 +3 29 +32 +3 30 +33 +3
Level MDEF Wind Res 31 +34 +4 32 +34 +4 33 +35 +4 34 +36 +4 35 +36 +4 36 +37 +4 37 +38 +4 38 +38 +4 39 +39 +4 40 +40 +5
Limit Break Type LB1 LB2 LB3 LB4 LB5 MDEF +8 +12 +16 +20 +24 Wind Res +1 +1 +2 +2 +3
Unit group (trigger + buff) Basheeny Cadanova Ikasa Kagura Kanon Kaya Kudanstein Lakina Monzein Othima Seida Siegfried Yauras Zain
Unit group (buff) Lil' Ouroboros
Jade Wall of the Holy Guard Simple stats Type Lvl 1 Lvl 30 Lvl 40 MDEF +15 +33 +40 Wind Res +1 +3 +5
Detailed stats Level MDEF Wind Res 1 +15 +1 2 +15 +1 3 +16 +1 4 +16 +1 5 +17 +1 6 +18 +1 7 +18 +1 8 +19 +1 9 +20 +1 10 +20 +1
Level MDEF Wind Res 11 +21 +2 12 +22 +2 13 +22 +2 14 +23 +2 15 +23 +2 16 +24 +2 17 +25 +2 18 +25 +2 19 +26 +2 20 +27 +2
Level MDEF Wind Res 21 +27 +3 22 +28 +3 23 +29 +3 24 +29 +3 25 +30 +3 26 +31 +3 27 +31 +3 28 +32 +3 29 +32 +3 30 +33 +3
Level MDEF Wind Res 31 +34 +4 32 +34 +4 33 +35 +4 34 +36 +4 35 +36 +4 36 +37 +4 37 +38 +4 38 +38 +4 39 +39 +4 40 +40 +5
Limit Break Type LB1 LB2 LB3 LB4 LB5 MDEF +8 +12 +16 +20 +24 Wind Res +1 +1 +2 +2 +3
Unit group (trigger + buff) Lil' Ouroboros
Unit group (buff) Basheeny Cadanova Ikasa Kagura Kanon Kaya Kudanstein Lakina Monzein Othima Seida Siegfried Yauras Zain
Ladies' Night Simple stats Type Lvl 1 Lvl 30 Lvl 40 Magic ATK Power +3 +8 +10 Slash ATK Power +3 +8 +10 Strong vs Male +3 +8 +10
Detailed stats Level Magic ATK Power Slash ATK Power Strong vs Male 1 +3 +3 +3 2 +3 +3 +3 3 +3 +3 +3 4 +3 +3 +3 5 +3 +3 +3 6 +3 +3 +3 7 +4 +4 +4 8 +4 +4 +4 9 +4 +4 +4 10 +4 +4 +4
Level Magic ATK Power Slash ATK Power Strong vs Male 11 +4 +4 +4 12 +4 +4 +4 13 +5 +5 +5 14 +5 +5 +5 15 +5 +5 +5 16 +5 +5 +5 17 +5 +5 +5 18 +6 +6 +6 19 +6 +6 +6 20 +6 +6 +6
Level Magic ATK Power Slash ATK Power Strong vs Male 21 +6 +6 +6 22 +6 +6 +6 23 +6 +6 +6 24 +7 +7 +7 25 +7 +7 +7 26 +7 +7 +7 27 +7 +7 +7 28 +7 +7 +7 29 +8 +8 +8 30 +8 +8 +8
Level Magic ATK Power Slash ATK Power Strong vs Male 31 +8 +8 +8 32 +8 +8 +8 33 +8 +8 +8 34 +8 +8 +8 35 +9 +9 +9 36 +9 +9 +9 37 +9 +9 +9 38 +9 +9 +9 39 +9 +9 +9 40 +10 +10 +10
Limit Break Type LB1 LB2 LB3 LB4 LB5 Magic ATK Power +2 +3 +4 +5 +6 Slash ATK Power +2 +3 +4 +5 +6 Strong vs Male +2 +3 +4 +5 +6
Unit group (trigger) Kaya Lil' Ouroboros Yauras
Beach Observation Simple stats Type Lvl 1 Lvl 30 Lvl 40 HP +130 +330 +400 MATK +20 +49 +60 Strong vs Wind +5 +12 +15
Detailed stats Level HP MATK Strong vs Wind 1 +130 +20 +5 2 +136 +21 +5 3 +143 +22 +5 4 +150 +23 +5 5 +157 +24 +6 6 +164 +25 +6 7 +171 +26 +6 8 +178 +27 +6 9 +185 +28 +7 10 +192 +29 +7
Level HP MATK Strong vs Wind 11 +199 +30 +7 12 +206 +31 +7 13 +213 +32 +8 14 +220 +33 +8 15 +226 +34 +8 16 +233 +35 +8 17 +240 +36 +9 18 +247 +37 +9 19 +254 +38 +9 20 +261 +39 +9
Level HP MATK Strong vs Wind 21 +268 +40 +10 22 +275 +41 +10 23 +282 +42 +10 24 +289 +43 +10 25 +296 +44 +11 26 +303 +45 +11 27 +310 +46 +11 28 +316 +47 +11 29 +323 +48 +12 30 +330 +49 +12
Level HP MATK Strong vs Wind 31 +337 +50 +12 32 +344 +51 +12 33 +351 +52 +13 34 +358 +53 +13 35 +365 +54 +13 36 +372 +55 +13 37 +379 +56 +14 38 +386 +57 +14 39 +393 +58 +14 40 +400 +60 +15
Limit Break Type LB1 LB2 LB3 LB4 LB5 HP +48 +96 +144 +192 +240 MATK +12 +18 +24 +30 +36 Strong vs Wind +3 +4 +6 +7 +9
Max Limit Break Type LB5 Missile ATK Power +16
Unit group (trigger) Kaya Lil' Ouroboros
Vision abilities Scorching Mechanical Dragon - Incandescent Bindings Slot: Action DMG Type: Magical ATK Type: Magic Element: Fire Fire Mag ATK on units within area (Strong vs Wind) & raises Power for Fire units from Slothstein [Range: 4, Area: Square (3), Height Range: 2]
Skill Effect Type Min Max Attack 90% 110%
Charges: 1 Jewel Cost: 45 Height: 2 Select Range: Diamond Range: 0-4 Select Scope: Square Scope: 1 Slot: Action DMG Type: Magical ATK Type: Magic Element: Fire Fire Mag ATK on units within area (Strong vs Wind) & raises Power for Fire units from Slothstein [Range: 4, Area: Square (3), Height Range: 2]
Skill Effect Type Min Max Attack 132% 132%
Charges: 1 Jewel Cost: 45 Height: 2 Select Range: Diamond Range: 0-4 Select Scope: Square Scope: 1 Limit Reached Bonus Slot: Support Revealed after Limit Reached. Raises AGI after appearing on map.
Slot: Action Raises AGI after appearing on map.
Unit restriction Kaya Lil' Ouroboros