Type Equipment Rank 5★ Max level 40 Enhancer cost 2000 Enhancer EXP 20000 Vision Clear Reward Limit Break Relief Memento Group Source Summon Release dates JP: 2019-05-01 GL: 2020-03-26 External links AlchemistCodeDB True fire, faux fire; true justice, and false justice. I believed that charging with reckless abandon was inefficient, but what is truly important is that one does not waver. "We might have different notions about justice, but that will not stop me. I will not hesitate, but simply carry your ideas with me!" I cannot allow the tragedy that befell Wadatsumi to be repeated. Upon this amulet, I swear this oath both unto the Captain, and unto you. For that is the nature of the justice we share. (Seida's Unsent Letter to Monzein)
Leader Skill
On Passion We Soar
Raises HP by 30%/PATK by 30%/DEX by 30%/AGI by 5%/Strong vs Greed by 30%/Strong vs Gluttony by 30% for the Memento group "Holy Guard"
Target Buff (SelfSide) (CardLsSkill)
Type Min Max
HP +30% +30%
PATK +30% +30%
DEX +30% +30%
AGI +5% +5%
Strong vs Greed +30 +30
Strong vs Gluttony +30 +30
Memento Group
Stats Simple stats Type Lvl 1 Lvl 30 Lvl 40 PATK +8 +20 +25
Detailed stats Level PATK 1 +8 2 +8 3 +8 4 +9 5 +9 6 +10 7 +10 8 +11 9 +11 10 +11
Level PATK 11 +12 12 +12 13 +13 14 +13 15 +14 16 +14 17 +14 18 +15 19 +15 20 +16
Level PATK 21 +16 22 +17 23 +17 24 +18 25 +18 26 +18 27 +19 28 +19 29 +20 30 +20
Level PATK 31 +21 32 +21 33 +21 34 +22 35 +22 36 +23 37 +23 38 +24 39 +24 40 +25
Group skills The Miracle of Saga Simple stats Type Lvl 1 Lvl 30 Lvl 40 PATK +10 +32 +40 Initial Jewels +2 +6 +8
Detailed stats Level PATK Initial Jewels 1 +10 +2 2 +10 +2 3 +11 +2 4 +12 +2 5 +13 +2 6 +13 +2 7 +14 +2 8 +15 +3 9 +16 +3 10 +16 +3
Level PATK Initial Jewels 11 +17 +3 12 +18 +3 13 +19 +3 14 +20 +4 15 +20 +4 16 +21 +4 17 +22 +4 18 +23 +4 19 +23 +4 20 +24 +4
Level PATK Initial Jewels 21 +25 +5 22 +26 +5 23 +26 +5 24 +27 +5 25 +28 +5 26 +29 +5 27 +30 +6 28 +30 +6 29 +31 +6 30 +32 +6
Level PATK Initial Jewels 31 +33 +6 32 +33 +6 33 +34 +6 34 +35 +7 35 +36 +7 36 +36 +7 37 +37 +7 38 +38 +7 39 +39 +7 40 +40 +8
Limit Break Type LB1 LB2 LB3 LB4 LB5 PATK +6 +10 +15 +19 +24 Initial Jewels +1 +2 +3 +4 +5
Unit group (trigger + buff) Alexis Almira Almira Annika Aruba Birgitta Chiruru Eulalia Fuu Gato Gormalas Lachesis Melda Melia Milis Mocca Nina Olga Peridot Seida Soren Tamis Tehre Thillie Tina Tomas Voda Yura Yuto
Unit group (buff) Lil' Ouroboros
The Miracle of Saga Simple stats Type Lvl 1 Lvl 30 Lvl 40 PATK +10 +32 +40 Initial Jewels +2 +6 +8
Detailed stats Level PATK Initial Jewels 1 +10 +2 2 +10 +2 3 +11 +2 4 +12 +2 5 +13 +2 6 +13 +2 7 +14 +2 8 +15 +3 9 +16 +3 10 +16 +3
Level PATK Initial Jewels 11 +17 +3 12 +18 +3 13 +19 +3 14 +20 +4 15 +20 +4 16 +21 +4 17 +22 +4 18 +23 +4 19 +23 +4 20 +24 +4
Level PATK Initial Jewels 21 +25 +5 22 +26 +5 23 +26 +5 24 +27 +5 25 +28 +5 26 +29 +5 27 +30 +6 28 +30 +6 29 +31 +6 30 +32 +6
Level PATK Initial Jewels 31 +33 +6 32 +33 +6 33 +34 +6 34 +35 +7 35 +36 +7 36 +36 +7 37 +37 +7 38 +38 +7 39 +39 +7 40 +40 +8
Limit Break Type LB1 LB2 LB3 LB4 LB5 PATK +6 +10 +15 +19 +24 Initial Jewels +1 +2 +3 +4 +5
Unit group (trigger + buff) Lil' Ouroboros
Unit group (buff) Alexis Almira Almira Annika Aruba Birgitta Chiruru Eulalia Fuu Gato Gormalas Lachesis Melda Melia Milis Mocca Nina Olga Peridot Seida Soren Tamis Tehre Thillie Tina Tomas Voda Yura Yuto
Holy Guard's Lightning Flash Simple stats Type Lvl 1 Lvl 30 Lvl 40 AGI +2 +4 +6 Thunder Res +2 +6 +8
Detailed stats Level AGI Thunder Res 1 +2 +2 2 +2 +2 3 +2 +2 4 +2 +2 5 +2 +2 6 +2 +2 7 +2 +2 8 +2 +3 9 +2 +3 10 +2 +3
Level AGI Thunder Res 11 +3 +3 12 +3 +3 13 +3 +3 14 +3 +4 15 +3 +4 16 +3 +4 17 +3 +4 18 +3 +4 19 +3 +4 20 +3 +4
Level AGI Thunder Res 21 +4 +5 22 +4 +5 23 +4 +5 24 +4 +5 25 +4 +5 26 +4 +5 27 +4 +6 28 +4 +6 29 +4 +6 30 +4 +6
Level AGI Thunder Res 31 +5 +6 32 +5 +6 33 +5 +6 34 +5 +7 35 +5 +7 36 +5 +7 37 +5 +7 38 +5 +7 39 +5 +7 40 +6 +8
Limit Break Type LB1 LB2 LB3 LB4 LB5 AGI +1 +1 +2 +3 +4 Thunder Res +2 +2 +3 +4 +5
Unit group (trigger) Basheeny Cadanova Ikasa Kagura Kanon Kaya Kudanstein Lakina Monzein Othima Seida Siegfried Yauras Zain
Efficient Heresy Simple stats Type Lvl 1 Lvl 30 Lvl 40 Strong vs Templar +7 +16 +20
Detailed stats Level Strong vs Templar 1 +7 2 +7 3 +7 4 +8 5 +8 6 +8 7 +9 8 +9 9 +9 10 +10
Level Strong vs Templar 11 +10 12 +10 13 +11 14 +11 15 +11 16 +12 17 +12 18 +12 19 +13 20 +13
Level Strong vs Templar 21 +13 22 +14 23 +14 24 +14 25 +15 26 +15 27 +15 28 +16 29 +16 30 +16
Level Strong vs Templar 31 +17 32 +17 33 +17 34 +18 35 +18 36 +18 37 +19 38 +19 39 +19 40 +20
Limit Break Type LB1 LB2 LB3 LB4 LB5 Strong vs Templar +4 +6 +8 +10 +12
Max Limit Break Type LB5 Jewels Spent Rate -16
Unit group (trigger) Lil' Ouroboros Seida
Pride of the Alize People Simple stats Type Lvl 1 Lvl 30 Lvl 40 DEX +15 +41 +50 Hit Rate +3 +8 +10 Range +1 +1 +1
Detailed stats Level DEX Hit Rate Range 1 +15 +3 +1 2 +15 +3 +1 3 +16 +3 +1 4 +17 +3 +1 5 +18 +3 +1 6 +19 +3 +1 7 +20 +4 +1 8 +21 +4 +1 9 +22 +4 +1 10 +23 +4 +1
Level DEX Hit Rate Range 11 +23 +4 +1 12 +24 +4 +1 13 +25 +5 +1 14 +26 +5 +1 15 +27 +5 +1 16 +28 +5 +1 17 +29 +5 +1 18 +30 +6 +1 19 +31 +6 +1 20 +32 +6 +1
Level DEX Hit Rate Range 21 +32 +6 +1 22 +33 +6 +1 23 +34 +6 +1 24 +35 +7 +1 25 +36 +7 +1 26 +37 +7 +1 27 +38 +7 +1 28 +39 +7 +1 29 +40 +8 +1 30 +41 +8 +1
Level DEX Hit Rate Range 31 +41 +8 +1 32 +42 +8 +1 33 +43 +8 +1 34 +44 +8 +1 35 +45 +9 +1 36 +46 +9 +1 37 +47 +9 +1 38 +48 +9 +1 39 +49 +9 +1 40 +50 +10 +1
Limit Break Type LB1 LB2 LB3 LB4 LB5 DEX +10 +15 +20 +25 +30 Hit Rate +2 +3 +4 +5 +6
Max Limit Break Type LB5 Missile ATK Power +10
Unit group (trigger) Lil' Ouroboros Seida
Vision abilities Godwolf Fang Slot: Action DMG Type: Physical ATK Type: Missile Element: Wind Wind Missile ATK on units within area & greatly lowers Missile Res for three turns [Range: 5, Area: Square (3), Height Range: Unlimited]
Skill Effect Type Min Max Attack 110% 131%
Charges: 2 Jewel Cost: 30 Height: 99 Select Range: Diamond Range: 0-5 Select Scope: Square Scope: 1 Slot: Action DMG Type: Physical ATK Type: Missile Element: Wind Wind Missile ATK on units within area & greatly lowers Missile Res for three turns [Range: 5, Area: Square (3), Height Range: Unlimited]
Skill Effect Type Min Max Attack 210% 210%
Charges: 2 Jewel Cost: 30 Height: 99 Select Range: Diamond Range: 0-5 Select Scope: Square Scope: 1 Job restriction Sage Venom Archer
Limit Reached Bonus Slot: Support Revealed after Limit Reached. Raises AGI after appearing on map.
Slot: Action Raises AGI after appearing on map.
Unit restriction Lil' Ouroboros Seida