The Alchemist Code Wiki


The Alchemist Code Wiki

Documentation for this module may be created at Module:Data/Model/Unit/doc

return {
  iname     = "String",
  -- Graphics
  img       = "String",
  mdl       = "String", -- Model
  vce       = "String", -- Some visual representation I think?
  -- Type
  birth     = "String", -- Textual representation of where the unit is from, typically in Japanese
  birth_id  = "Integer",
  elem      = "Integer", -- Numeric representation of the unit element
  sex       = "Integer", -- Numeric representation of the unit sex: 1 is male, 2 is female
  piece     = {"String", dataRef="MasterParam/Item"}, -- Shard for the unit
  rare      = "Integer", -- Initial rarity
  raremax   = "Integer", -- Max rarity
  jobsets   = {"String", list=",", dataRef="MasterParam/JobSet"},
  ai        = "String", -- Type of AI the unit uses
  tag       = {"String", list=","}, -- Comma separated list of tags associated with the unit
  notsmn    = "Boolean", -- If set, this unit should not be summonable
  hero      = "Boolean", -- If set, this unit is a protagonist
  -- Profile characteristics
  height    = "Integer",
  weight    = "Integer",
  -- Unit Base Stats
  atk       = "Integer", -- PATK
  cri       = "Integer", -- CRIT
  def       = "Integer", -- PDEF
  dex       = "Integer", -- DEX
  hp        = "Integer", -- HP
  luk       = "Integer", -- LUCK
  mag       = "Integer", -- MATK
  mnd       = "Integer", -- MDEF
  mp        = "Integer", -- Jewels
  spd       = "Integer", -- AGI
  -- Unit Max Stats
  matk      = "Integer", -- Max Physical Attack
  mcri      = "Integer", -- Max Crit
  mdef      = "Integer", -- Max PDEF
  mdex      = "Integer", -- Max DEX
  mhp       = "Integer", -- Max HP
  mluk      = "Integer", -- Max Luck
  mmag      = "Integer", -- Max MATK
  mmnd      = "Integer", -- Max MDEF
  mmp       = "Integer", -- Max Jewels
  mspd      = "Integer", -- Max AGI
  -- Master Ability
  ma_quest  = "String", -- Master Ability Quest if available
  ma_rarity = "Integer", -- Minimum rarity to unlock Master Ability quest I think?
  ma_lv     = "Boolean", -- Seems to be related to master ability, perhaps it means it's level locked?
  ability   = {"String", dataRef="MasterParam/Ability"}, -- Ability unlocked by master abilty quest
  -- References
  ls1 = {"String", dataRef="MasterParam/Skill"}, -- Leader skill rarity 1
  ls2 = {"String", dataRef="MasterParam/Skill"}, -- Leader skill rarity 2
  ls3 = {"String", dataRef="MasterParam/Skill"}, -- Leader skill rarity 3
  ls4 = {"String", dataRef="MasterParam/Skill"}, -- Leader skill rarity 4
  ls5 = {"String", dataRef="MasterParam/Skill"}, -- Leader skill rarity 5
  ls6 = {"String", dataRef="MasterParam/Skill"}, -- Leader skill rarity 6? not sure what the deal is with this one
  skill = {"String", dataRef="MasterParam/Skill"}, -- Seems to be a duplicate of the base rarity leader skill
  recipe1 = {"String", dataRef="MasterParam/Recipe"}, -- Evolution recipe from rarity 1
  recipe2 = {"String", dataRef="MasterParam/Recipe"}, -- Evolution recipe from rarity 2
  recipe3 = {"String", dataRef="MasterParam/Recipe"}, -- Evolution recipe from rarity 3
  recipe4 = {"String", dataRef="MasterParam/Recipe"}, -- Evolution recipe from rarity 4
  skins = {"String", dataRef="MasterParam/Artifact", list=","}, -- List of any available skins for the unit
  -- Unknown use (in addition there are a bunch of other parameters specific to enemy units)
  -- grow = "String",
  -- no = "Integer",
  -- search = "Integer",
  -- sh = "Integer",
  -- sw = "Integer",