The Alchemist Code Wiki


The Alchemist Code Wiki

Banner-Jam's Labyrinth

Event Obtainables[]

  • EX Coin x 180
  • Elemental Shards
    • Wind x 5
    • Fire x 5
    • Thunder x 5
    • Light x 5
  • Retribution for Sin x 1
  • Sinful Indulgence x 2
  • 300 Gems

Event Quests[]

Event Guides[]

Event Milestones[]

[Limited Time] Jam Labyrinth[]

Name of Milestone PEXP Gems Other Rewards
Clear Jam's Labyrinth [1/5] 20 Great LanceGreat Lance (x10), Crystal AppleCrystal Apple (x20)
Clear Jam's Labyrinth [3/5] 30 Lion Monarch ShieldLion Monarch Shield (x10), Crystal AppleCrystal Apple (x30)
Clear Jam's Labyrinth [5/5] 250 100 Sacred Lion BladeSacred Lion Blade (x10), Crystal AppleCrystal Apple (x50)

[Limited Time] Jam Labyrinth [Multiplay][]

Name of Milestone PEXP Gems Other Rewards
Clear Jam's Labyrinth [Multiplay] [1/5] 20 EX CoinEX Coin (x30), Research NotebookResearch Notebook (x10), Crystal AppleCrystal Apple (x20)
Clear Jam's Labyrinth [Multiplay] [3/5] 30 EX CoinEX Coin (x50), Star StaffStar Staff (x10), Crystal AppleCrystal Apple (x30)
Clear Jam's Labyrinth [Multiplay] [5/5] 250 100 EX CoinEX Coin (x100), Gear RodGear Rod (x10), Crystal AppleCrystal Apple (x50)

Quest Mission Rewards[]

Jam's Labyrinth[]

Clear with only Wind type units: Wind Soul ShardWind Soul Shard x 5
Clear with only Fire type units: Fire Soul ShardFire Soul Shard x 5
Clear with only Thunder type units: Thunder Soul ShardThunder Soul Shard x 5
Clear with only Light type units: Light Soul ShardLight Soul Shard x 5
Take Tina along to clear: Retribution for SinRetribution for Sin x 1
Don't use items: Sinful IndulgenceSinful Indulgence x 2

Event History[]

Released November 19, 2020
