The Alchemist Code Wiki


The Alchemist Code Wiki

Edward is an alchemist known as the "Fullmetal Alchemist", whose soul was summoned from another world. In the past he paid the price by committing forbidden alchemy whereby losing his right arm and left leg. He has a strong sense of justice, but can be grumpy. He tends to be sensitive about his small stature.

Leader Skill

Fresh Wind's Heartbeat
Raises HP by 30% & Debuff Res by 20% for Wind units


Initial Job
Job Change 1

Related Mementos

Related Gears



Stat Min Max (at 100) Avg per Lv 60 65 75 80 85
Ui icon stat hp 80 455 3.79 303 322 360 379 398
Ui icon stat mp 51 174 1.24 124 130 142 149 155
Ui icon stat atk 42 156 1.15 109 115 127 132 138
Ui icon stat def 31 95 0.65 69 72 78 82 85
Ui icon stat mag 30 30 0.00 30 30 30 30 30
Ui icon stat mnd 25 98 0.74 68 72 79 83 86
Ui icon stat dex 40 144 1.05 101 107 117 122 128
Ui icon stat spd 50 92 0.42 75 77 81 83 85
Ui icon stat cri 42 169 1.28 117 124 136 143 149
Ui icon stat luk 38 132 0.95 94 98 108 113 117

Limit Break


Default Skin
Game,UnitImages,fa edwa
Game,UnitImages2,fa edwa
Game,PortraitsM,fa edwa
Game,Portraits,fa edwa
Game,UnitEyeImages,fa edwa

[[Category:Born in Error: Invalid time.]]
