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Divine Speaker is a variation of the Mage Mage job.

Divine Speaker
Divine Speaker
Move 3 Jump 2
Avoid 0 Initial Jewels 100%
HP -20 Jewels 10
PATK -20 PDEF -15
DEX -12 AGI 3

Job Mastery Bonus



Attack (GL_DIV)
Speaker ATK
0.9 * MATK


Divine Gift
Divine Gift techniques for use with this job type only
Skill Description
Raises PATK and MATK for self and allies for 3 turns [Area: Cross (3) around self, Height Range: 2]
Charges : 3
Raises own MATK and grants Quicken for 3 turns (Learned at ability Lv7)
Charges : 5
Cast Time : 500
ActionAbilityIcon Damage Type Magic Attack Type Magic Divine Light
Penetrating attack that inflicts non-elemental Mag Dmg on target enemy [Range: 4, Height Range: 2] (Learned at ability Lv14)
1.3 * MATK [110% - 120%]
Charges : 3
[Unmaxed Enlightenment Gate 5]
Non-elemental Mag ATK on units in target area. [Range: 4, Area: Cross (3), Height Range: Unlimited] (Learned at ability Lv20)
1.3 * MATK [110% - 120%]
Charges : 3
[Maxed Enlightenment Gate 5]
Non-elemental Mag ATK on enemy units in target area [Range: 4, Area: Diamond (5), Height Range: Unlimited] (Learned at ability Lv20)
1.3 * MATK [140%]
Charges : 3
Basic Divine Gift
Divine Gift techniques for use with all job types
Raises PDEF and MDEF of target ally for 3 turns [Area: Cross (3) around self, Height Range: 2]
Charges : 5
Raises PATK and MATK of target ally for 3 turns [Range: 4, Height Range: 2] (Learned at ability Lv7)
Charges : 5
ActionAbilityIcon Damage Type Magic Attack Type Magic Divine Ray
Inflict Non-elemental Mag Dmg to units in target area. [Area: Special (Laser Cannon), Height Range: 2] (Learned at ability Lv14)
1.3 * MATK [100% - 110%]
Charges : 3
Cast Time : 500
ActionAbilityIcon Damage Type Magic Attack Type Magic Divine Flare
Deal Mag Dmg and knock back enemies around self and chance to inflict bind for 1 turn [Area: Square (3) around self, Height Range: 2] (Learned at ability Lv20)
1.3 * MATK [75% - 85%]
Charges : 3
Defensive Instinct
Reaction Ability for use with all job types (Learned at Rank 4)
Raises PDEF and MDEF when attacked
Divine Power
Raises MATK (Learned at Rank 6)
Raises MATK of self
Divine Protection
Raises PDEF (Learned at Rank 8)
Raises PDEF of self

Units With This Job

Soren Soren

Related Jobs

Mage Mage, Sage [Carnac] Sage [Carnac], Sage [Rozetta] Sage [Rozetta], Night Agent Night Agent, Nightmare Witch Nightmare Witch, Sage [Monolith] Sage [Monolith], Alchemia Specialist Alchemia Specialist, Flame Orb Princess Flame Orb Princess, Blaze Orb Princess Blaze Orb Princess, Phantom Master Phantom Master, Rising Ash Princess Rising Ash Princess, Blue Ice General Blue Ice General


Unlock Job
Level 1
Level 2
Level 3
Level 4
Level 5
Level 6
Level 7
Level 8
Level 9
Level 10
Level 11

AI Priority

Skill Priority

  1. Damage
  2. FailCondition
  3. Support
  4. Heal
  5. DisableCondition
  6. CureCondition

Buff Priority

  1. None
  2. Initial Jewels
  3. HP
  4. HP
  5. PATK
  6. Max Jewels

Condition Priority

  1. Petrify
  2. Stop
  3. Daze
  4. Charm
  5. Paralyze
  6. Sleep
  7. Quicken
  8. Delay
  9. Silence
  10. Bind
  11. Slow
  12. Blind
  13. Poison
  14. Stun
  15. DeathSentence
  16. ResistBuff
  17. ResistDebuff
  18. Rage
  19. Berserk