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{{#invoke:Data|insert|gl={{(}}"sell":14755,"ac":9999999,"buy":147550,"rare":4,"iname":"IT_EQ_HARP_DARK","mc":9999999,"encost":19800,"enpt":165,"tabtype":2,"cap":999,"recipe":"RECIPE_EQ_HARP_DARK","pp":7375,"eqlv":50,"facilitypt":80,"skill":"SK_EQ_HARP_DARK","coin":9999999,"type":3,"tc":5900,"icon":"IT_EQ_HARP_DARK"{{)}}|jp={{(}}"iname":"IT_EQ_HARP_DARK","type":3,"tabtype":2,"rare":4,"cap":999,"eqlv":50,"coin":9999999,"tc":5900,"ac":9999999,"mc":9999999,"pp":7375,"buy":147550,"sell":14755,"encost":19800,"enpt":165,"facilitypt":80,"icon":"IT_EQ_HARP_DARK","skill":"SK_EQ_HARP_DARK","recipe":"RECIPE_EQ_HARP_DARK"{{)}}|loc={{(}}"flavor":{{(}}"german":"Diese pr\u00e4chtige Harfe schm\u00fcckt eine Figur einer G\u00f6ttin, die das schwindende Licht der Abendd\u00e4mmerung liebte. Sie soll verschiedene Grade der Macht manifestieren, je nach der Liebe des Tr\u00e4gers zur Musik und der Reinheit seines Herzens. Der Klang ist tief und dunkel und verzehrt langsam das Licht, das er ber\u00fchrt.","spanish":"Esta arpa tan magn\u00edfica est\u00e1 adornada con la figura de una diosa que adoraba la luz menguante del atardecer. Seg\u00fan dicen, se manifiesta en grados diferentes seg\u00fan la pasi\u00f3n de su portador por la m\u00fasica y la pureza de su coraz\u00f3n. Adem\u00e1s, esta arpa emite un sonido oscuro y profundo que se va tragando lentamente la luz de alrededor.","english":"This magnificent harp is adorned with the figure of a goddess who loved the fading light of dusk. It is said to manifest different degrees of power according to its bearer's love of music and purity of heart. The sound that it makes is deep and dark, and slowly consumes the light that it touches.","french":"Cette magnifique harpe est orn\u00e9e de l'image d'une d\u00e9esse qui aimait la Lumi\u00e8re se dissipant peu \u00e0 peu avec le cr\u00e9puscule. Il est dit qu'elle manifeste diff\u00e9rents niveaux de puissance, en fonction de l'amour de la musique et de la puret\u00e9 de son utilisateur. Le son qu'elle produit est profond et sombre, et d\u00e9vore lentement la Lumi\u00e8re restante."{{)}},"name":{{(}}"german":"Zwielicht-Harfe","spanish":"Arpa del crep\u00fasculo","japanese":"\u9ec4\u660f\u306e\u30cf\u30fc\u30d7","english":"Twilight Harp","french":"Harpe du cr\u00e9puscule"{{)}},"expr":{{(}}"german":"[Nur-Zwielichtbarde-Ausstattung] GESCH +28, MANG +12, AGI +4, GLK +14, Licht-Res. +2, Charme-Res. +5, Gel\u00e4hmt-Res. +10, Benommen-Res. +8, Fessel-Res. +8","spanish":"[Equipamiento exclusivo de bardo del crep\u00fasculo] Des +28, AtqM +12, Agi +4, suerte +14, Res. luz +2, Res. hechizo +5, Res. par\u00e1lisis +10, Res. desarme +8, Res. inmovilizaci\u00f3n +8","english":"[Twilight Bard-Only Equipment] DEX +28, MATK +12, AGI +4, LUCK +14, Light Res +2, Charm Res +5, Paralyze Res +10, Daze Res +8, Bind Res +8","french":"[\u00c9quipement exclusif de barde cr\u00e9pusculaire] Dex +28, AttM +12, Agi +4, Cha +14, R\u00e9s Lumi\u00e8re +2, R\u00e9s Charme +5, R\u00e9s Paralysie +10, R\u00e9s H\u00e9b\u00e9tement +8, R\u00e9s Immobilisation +8"{{)}}{{)}}}}
| gl = <nowiki>{"ac":9999999,"buy":147550,"cap":999,"coin":9999999,"encost":19800,"enpt":165,"eqlv":50,"facilitypt":80,"icon":"IT_EQ_HARP_DARK","iname":"IT_EQ_HARP_DARK","mc":9999999,"pp":7375,"rare":4,"recipe":"RECIPE_EQ_HARP_DARK","sell":14755,"skill":"SK_EQ_HARP_DARK","tabtype":2,"tc":5900,"type":3}</nowiki>
| jp = <nowiki>{"ac":9999999,"buy":147550,"cap":999,"coin":9999999,"encost":19800,"enpt":165,"eqlv":50,"facilitypt":80,"icon":"IT_EQ_HARP_DARK","iname":"IT_EQ_HARP_DARK","mc":9999999,"pp":7375,"rare":4,"recipe":"RECIPE_EQ_HARP_DARK","sell":14755,"skill":"SK_EQ_HARP_DARK","tabtype":2,"tc":5900,"type":3}</nowiki>
| loc = <nowiki>{"expr":{"english":"[Twilight Bard-Only Equipment] DEX +28, MATK +12, AGI +4, LUCK +14, Light Res +2, Charm Res +5, Paralyze Res +10, Daze Res +8, Bind Res +8","japanese":"【黄昏の吟遊詩人専用装備品】 ◆器用さ+28、魔攻+12、素早さ+4、運+14、光耐性+2、魅了耐性+5、麻痺耐性+10、攻撃禁止耐性+8、移動禁止耐性+8"},"flavor":{"english":"This magnificent harp is adorned with the figure of a goddess who loved the fading light of dusk. It is said to manifest different degrees of power according to its bearer's love of music and purity of heart. The sound that it makes is deep and dark, and slowly consumes the light that it touches.","japanese":"薄闇の消えゆく光を愛した女神の像をあ<br>しらった、美しいハープ。音を愛する純<br>真な心を持つ者ほどその力を発揮できる<br>といわれている。その音色は深く暗い調<br>べとなり、残された光を侵食していく。"},"name":{"english":"Twilight Harp","japanese":"黄昏のハープ"}}</nowiki>
| gl_sha256 = 9df00f287e4f33021facefc4612ba85fb0d5b6b3202b743a6c685b6d400037f7
| jp_sha256 = 9df00f287e4f33021facefc4612ba85fb0d5b6b3202b743a6c685b6d400037f7
| loc_sha256 = 3da257c6fe22d440f637e061dfc2aa37c8f085d5f8f97e8c28e7b35560b8736f

Revision as of 05:47, 7 April 2021


The following tables have these rows defined by this data entry.

nameTwilight Harp黄昏のハープ
expr[Twilight Bard-Only Equipment] DEX +28, MATK +12, AGI +4, LUCK +14, Light Res +2, Charm Res +5, Paralyze Res +10, Daze Res +8, Bind Res +8【黄昏の吟遊詩人専用装備品】 ◆器用さ+28、魔攻+12、素早さ+4、運+14、光耐性+2、魅了耐性+5、麻痺耐性+10、攻撃禁止耐性+8、移動禁止耐性+8
flavorThis magnificent harp is adorned with the figure of a goddess who loved the fading light of dusk. It is said to manifest different degrees of power according to its bearer's love of music and purity of heart. The sound that it makes is deep and dark, and slowly consumes the light that it touches.薄闇の消えゆく光を愛した女神の像をあ

{| class="wikitable"

|- ! lang | english | english | english | japanese | japanese | japanese |- ! param | expr | name | flavor | expr | name | flavor |- ! value | [Twilight Bard-Only Equipment] DEX +28, MATK +12, AGI +4, LUCK +14, Light Res +2, Charm Res +5, Paralyze Res +10, Daze Res +8, Bind Res +8 | Twilight Harp | This magnificent harp is adorned with the figure of a goddess who loved the fading light of dusk. It is said to manifest different degrees of power according to its bearer's love of music and purity of heart. The sound that it makes is deep and dark, and slowly consumes the light that it touches. | 【黄昏の吟遊詩人専用装備品】 ◆器用さ+28、魔攻+12、素早さ+4、運+14、光耐性+2、魅了耐性+5、麻痺耐性+10、攻撃禁止耐性+8、移動禁止耐性+8 | 黄昏のハープ | 薄闇の消えゆく光を愛した女神の像をあしらった、美しいハープ。音を愛する純真な心を持つ者ほどその力を発揮できるといわれている。その音色は深く暗い調べとなり、残された光を侵食していく。 |}


server gl jp
ac 9999999
buy 147550
cap 9999
coin 9999999
encost 19800
enpt 165
eqlv 50
mc 9999999
pp 7375
rare 4
sell 14755
tc 5900
type 3

Unused Keys

The following keys were not used by inserted into any table and are thus unused.

server gl jp
facilitypt 80
tabtype 2