The following tables have these rows defined by this data entry.
First Kitchen Battle
A 5★ Memento. Equip it to enhance a unit.
It was a fierce battle. Some were deformed, some were hard as stone, and some were mere globs of dark mass. Just one came out perfectly. "You did it, Suzuka! Anybody would be happy to be gifted such a heartfelt chocolate!" I almost forgot this was meant to be a gift. I need my comrades that fought through this with me to be by my side when I confirm the results of our efforts. I suppose my quest to be more "ladylike" is nowhere near completion. (From "Suzuka's Pursuit of Elegance")
{| class="wikitable"
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| english
| english
| english
| japanese
| japanese
! param
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| name
| flavor
| expr
| name
! value
| A 5★ Memento. Equip it to enhance a unit.
| First Kitchen Battle
| It was a fierce battle. Some were deformed, some were hard as stone, and some were mere globs of dark mass. Just one came out perfectly. "You did it, Suzuka! Anybody would be happy to be gifted such a heartfelt chocolate!" I almost forgot this was meant to be a gift. I need my comrades that fought through this with me to be by my side when I confirm the results of our efforts. I suppose my quest to be more "ladylike" is nowhere near completion. (From "Suzuka's Pursuit of Elegance")
| レアリティ★5の真理念装。装備することでユニットを強化することができる。
| 調理場、その初陣は