The following tables have these rows defined by this data entry.
Polish, Create, Results
A 5★ Memento. Equip it to enhance a unit.
Strike, polish, and hone. People and weapons are very much alike. He and I must be the only ones who think that way. "People tend to shy away from new things. Yet it is only the unknown from which we can create." Well, that's that. You just have to keep on polishing. Whether it be ore, tools, or people. (From Yna's burnt note)
{| class="wikitable"
! lang
| english
| english
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| japanese
| japanese
! param
| expr
| name
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| name
! value
| A 5★ Memento. Equip it to enhance a unit.
| Polish, Create, Results
| Strike, polish, and hone. People and weapons are very much alike. He and I must be the only ones who think that way. "People tend to shy away from new things. Yet it is only the unknown from which we can create." Well, that's that. You just have to keep on polishing. Whether it be ore, tools, or people. (From Yna's burnt note)
| レアリティ★5の真理念装。装備することでユニットを強化することができる。
| 練磨、創造、その果て