The following tables have these rows defined by this data entry.
More Striking than a Lightning Flash
A 5★ Memento. Equip it to enhance a unit.
Strength and cuteness; why do I have to choose between them? I was thinking that to myself when she showed me the length of her beautiful back. "I want you to burn this image into your mind—behold my strength and beauty!" Strength and beauty existed in harmony within her; why couldn't I do the same with strength and cuteness? Looking up at her, I noticed the barrette in her hair twinkle at me, as if in encouragement. (Shayna, Mastery of Cuteness, Prologue)
{| class="wikitable"
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| english
| english
| english
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| japanese
! param
| expr
| name
| flavor
| expr
| name
! value
| A 5★ Memento. Equip it to enhance a unit.
| More Striking than a Lightning Flash
| Strength and cuteness; why do I have to choose between them? I was thinking that to myself when she showed me the length of her beautiful back. "I want you to burn this image into your mind—behold my strength and beauty!" Strength and beauty existed in harmony within her; why couldn't I do the same with strength and cuteness? Looking up at her, I noticed the barrette in her hair twinkle at me, as if in encouragement. (Shayna, Mastery of Cuteness, Prologue)
| レアリティ★5の真理念装。装備することでユニットを強化することができる。
| 雷光よりも鮮烈な