The following tables have these rows defined by this data entry.
To be a Lady
A 4★ Memento. Equip it to enhance a unit.
Cuteness is key! Even my uniform has to be cute! That's my motto. Here's my custom uniform and this is how I pose! I'm sure Grandpa would be okay with just a little tailoring. "I've designed the menswear to be cute, too! They should be allowed to be cute if they want to!" I'm super serious about perfecting cuteness! (Shayna, Mastery of Cuteness, Chapter 2)
! lang
| english
| english
| english
| japanese
| japanese
| japanese
! param
| expr
| name
| flavor
| expr
| name
| flavor
! value
| A 4★ Memento. Equip it to enhance a unit.
| To be a Lady
| Cuteness is key! Even my uniform has to be cute! That's my motto. Here's my custom uniform and this is how I pose! I'm sure Grandpa would be okay with just a little tailoring. "I've designed the menswear to be cute, too! They should be allowed to be cute if they want to!" I'm super serious about perfecting cuteness! (Shayna, Mastery of Cuteness, Chapter 2)
| レアリティ★4の真理念装。装備することでユニットを強化することができる。
| 女子力の探求
| 可愛いは正義なのだから、道着だって可愛くないとイヤだしダメ。というのがあたしの信念。改造した道着を身にまとって、はいポーズ。 このくらいの改良なら、師範代の祖父も許してくれるはず…。それに…。