The following tables have these rows defined by this data entry.
O My Fair Lion Lady
A 5★ Memento. Equip it to enhance a unit.
Belt buckle glinting in the sunlight, she trains to be strong enough to protect those she cares for. It seems to me that she is rather lacking in grace for one known as the Pure White Lion; still, I can't deny that I am beginning to see why she is so popular. "I am afraid I must be off. I have a promise to keep with someone very special to me." The shrill voice of the maiden whose hand she briefly held pierces my ears, and I find myself hastily cancelling my previous thought. I cannot fathom the appeal of that woman! (Excerpt from Alfred's Secret Diary)
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| english
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| japanese
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! value
| A 5★ Memento. Equip it to enhance a unit.
| O My Fair Lion Lady
| Belt buckle glinting in the sunlight, she trains to be strong enough to protect those she cares for. It seems to me that she is rather lacking in grace for one known as the Pure White Lion; still, I can't deny that I am beginning to see why she is so popular. "I am afraid I must be off. I have a promise to keep with someone very special to me." The shrill voice of the maiden whose hand she briefly held pierces my ears, and I find myself hastily cancelling my previous thought. I cannot fathom the appeal of that woman! (Excerpt from Alfred's Secret Diary)
| レアリティ★5の真理念装。装備することでユニットを強化することができる。
| 嗚呼、麗しき純白の獅子