The Alchemist Code Wiki


The Alchemist Code Wiki

Almira, who was summoned as a Thief due to confusion at the Dimension Gate. Thieves are the rascals of the Netherworld battlefields. Thanks to her new movement speed and special ability to steal skill points, she's been enjoying the hunt in new ways, and she's already distinguished herself as a Thief.

Leader Skill

Fresh Wind's Heartbeat
Raises HP by 50% for Wind units


Initial Job

Related Mementos


Stat Min Max (at 100) Avg per Lv 60 65 75 80 85
Ui icon stat hp 124 562 4.42 385 407 451 473 495
Ui icon stat mp 49 198 1.51 137 145 160 167 175
Ui icon stat atk 38 137 1.00 97 102 112 117 122
Ui icon stat def 26 91 0.66 64 68 74 77 81
Ui icon stat mag 33 33 0.00 33 33 33 33 33
Ui icon stat mnd 23 79 0.57 56 59 64 67 70
Ui icon stat dex 40 182 1.43 124 131 146 153 160
Ui icon stat spd 53 94 0.41 77 79 83 85 87
Ui icon stat cri 39 141 1.03 99 104 115 120 125
Ui icon stat luk 36 129 0.94 91 96 105 110 114

Limit Break


Default Skin
Game,UnitImages,dis almi
Game,UnitImages2,dis almi
Game,PortraitsM,dis almi
Game,Portraits,dis almi
Game,UnitEyeImages,dis almi
